Monday, July 18, 2011

My Journey Begins

My life became a number of jobs rather than enjoyment. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and children. For example, I recently went on a vacation alone with my husband, Mark. I was looking forward to some alone time, the first in a few years. However, in order to leave the 6 acre perimeter that surrounds my house, first I must employ people to step into my shoes and do my jobs while I am away.

It took 6 people.

This blog is my journey or residcovery of who I am. Who am I? Mommy, volunteer teacher, house keeper, laundress, gardener, cook, friend, wife, lover, advisor, driver, pool cleaner, accountant, and etc.

I am lost in all of this seemingly controlled kaos of each day. I need to rediscover what I like and what makes me tick. I have forgotten how to speak to adults - my sentences contain only subject, noun, and a verb.

Today marks my path. I don't know where it will take me, but it should be fun.